Home Remedies for Respiratory Symptoms

One the goals of holistic medicine, is to halt the progression of illness. We may catch a cold, flu or virus, but if we can take good care of ourselves, hopefully that initial illness will not progress further into pneumonia or other illness that require more medical care. 

We also have many uninsured and under-insured people in our population that do not have access to care, or whom live in rural areas that do not offer any care at all. These practices and home remedies are helpful for all of us, including those most vulnerable due to lack of access. 

During times of widespread illness, get adequate rest, reduce stress as much as you can, drink plenty of water and practice self-care – take a walk in the fresh air, relax with your pets, eat healthy meals or whatever it is that works for you. 

Food is our First Medicine

Eat regularly. 

Eat warming foods when you have a respiratory illness. This means avoiding iced beverages and cold foods right out of the fridge. It also means avoiding too many raw vegetables, which have an inherently cold nature. Lightly cook your vegetables and eat a wide range of foods to help diversify the nutrients you ingest. Steam or cook your food at low temperatures for longer periods of time – this cooking method helps support and nourish the beneficial yin fluids in your body. You can also bring warmth to food by adding ginger or cinnamon. 

Avoid dairy and alcohol in excess. 

Soups, porridge, and stews are easier on the digestive system. I love to have a chicken broth with some slowly simmered ginger, garlic, greens and carrots, chicken or tofu, topped with fresh scallions when I have a cold or virus. 

Foods like pears, apples, persimmons, figs, pumpkins, nuts and seeds help to preserve the lungs. Sour foods help the body preserve fluids, which keeps the lungs healthy. Eating foods like grapefruit, lemons, pickles, and apples that have astringent properties help support yin and fluid retention. Get some fermented vegetables from the Basil Bandwagon refrigerated section or make your own. 

Foods such as garlic, cinnamon, chilli, ginger and onions help bring your defensive qi to the surface of the body to fight off external pathogens.

Eat all things in moderation. Eating 5 onions isn’t going to make you more immune than having a reasonable amount as part as recipe, but you may get a tummy ache. 

Kitchen Medicine 

Here are a few recipes with easy to access ingredients for simple remedies to help you with respiratory illness. 

Onion-Honey Syrup

Slice 2 large onions and place in a deep pan. Cover with honey. Warm over low heat until the onions become mushy. You can also add garlic if you want to be a bit more potent. Take 1 tsp 3-4 x a day to speed recovery.

Thyme Syrup

3 ounces of thyme leaf/flower – fresh is best, but dried works too

1 quart of water

1 cup of honey

Simmer thyme and water until it is reduces by half to about 2 cups. Strain. And honey to the liquid when it is warm (not hot). Store in glass jar in fridge for a few weeks. Take 1 teaspoon every few hours to spend recovery. 

Onion Cough Syrup 2

Fill clean glass jar 3⁄4 of the way with chopped onions

You can also add in additional fresh or dry herbs such as ginger, thyme, garlic, or lemon. Fill jar to the top with honey, stir well. Close with lid.

Let sit a 2-12 hours in cool, dark place. Store in refrigerator 1-3 days

Take 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours as needed for cough.


The above traditional recipes are adapted from Rosemary Gladstar and Amanda David.

If you are looking for an herbal remedy, click here for more information on herbs and herbal consults. If you would like to book an herbal consult with us, please click here to visit our booking site.

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