A heart in a hand with the text: Community Acupuncture Needs Based Sliding Scale

Community Acupuncture Needs Based Sliding Scale

A heart in a hand with the text: Community Acupuncture Needs Based Sliding Scale

Our Community Acupuncture Needs Based Sliding Scale allows more people to access acupuncture and herbal medicine. Our Initial Appointment is $60 and we offer a Needs Based Sliding Scale that allows you to pay anywhere between $60-40. Our Follow Up Appointments are $50 and we offer a Needs Based Sliding Scale that allows you to pay between $50-25. Those that can pay higher on the scale help secure access to this gentle and effective healthcare for those who need to pay lower on the scale. We love this medicine and are so happy that the sliding scale allows us to offer it to more people! We do not ask you for any information to verify your income or financial standings. We trust our patients to make the choice for themselves while also thinking of the sustainability of the clinic.

You can call/text us at (908)237-1076, or visit our booking site by clicking here. We hope to see you soon!

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